Tuesday, June 16, 2009

From Anna and Wilmer's Journal

July 4, 1960
Wilmer, Charlene, Sharon, Ice cream, Anna, Deward, James B.

Saturday, April 19, 1980
Beautiful and hot today. We left at 8:40 a.m. arrived at Orem in fine shape. The Neil’s weren’t home. We had dropped Travis off at her apartment so she could pack. We had lunch, went back to Neil’s, checked at the church, no one. I had left my key home so we couldn’t get in. So LaVora got us a motel room. Dad and I went to sleep. LaVora and Travis had to wait for the Land Lady before Travis could check out. So we didn’t get back to Neil’s. LaVora called and told him where we were. Soon it was time to go to the B.Y.U. There were people all over the place. Merlin & Karen were waiting, Jerry & Sara, Newell & Adelia, Bill & Louise, Ralph Frank, Wayne & Vicki were all there to greet us. It was a thrill. Then Keith and his wife, Deward and Jil, Neil and Ella, Van and Charlene, Kerstin and Mark. What a reunion. Dad and I were ushered to a table at the front of the room. There were three other couples there. Each Lady had a big orchid. Rulen came to congratulate Dad. Rulen said he wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t written the note. We had a nice visit with the folks at our table. One was in the Stake Presidency and knew Deward as he is a member of the Bishopric in one of his wards. One couple was from Delta and the other was a member of the Scout Council. Dad got to see him but I didn’t. Soon the Beaver awards were presented to 32 Scouters. I think Dad was the oldest. We had help to get up the stairs and down on the other side. It was a thrilling experience. After it was over all the children and friends came to offer congratulations. I was concerned that we didn’t see Darrell and JoAnn before hand, but they were there. After it was over Karen Perry took pictures of all the family and friends. Keith and Linda had to leave, but Rulen came to visit with all of us and he was in the picture. A night to Remember. Neil, Ella, Darrell, JoAnn, Kerstin and Mark came to the motel for a little while. Dewey called to Congratulate Dad. LaVora was also honored and introduced by President Frandsen at the banquette for her part in Scouting and for coming so far to honor her father. Then soon all was over and we were Fast Asleep.

Neil and LaVora

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