Thursday, January 14, 2010


From Anna and Wilmer Murray's Journal

Thursday, November 15, 1979

We went to Relief Society this morning. I was going to the Social Relations but got stuck in the Mother's Education. The class leader was well prepared but I can't believe they have as many children problems as they brought out. Dewey is making little cradles for the Bazaar. They are really cute. He also worked on the house.

In the evening they went to Errika's School Concert. We stayed here, tried to crochet but went to sleep. So we were just going to bed when they come home. Dewey came up and visited for a while. I called Ruth this morning.

Friday, November 16, 1979

Here we are awake again at 4:00 A. M. Dad is back to sleep and I'm writing. Wish we would stay asleep for another couple of hours. It sounds like it is raining. We haven't seen the sun since we came here. No storm, just overcast all the time. I guess I had better write Neil. We made little covers for the cradles Dewey made for the Bazaar. I crocheted one.

Saturday, November 17, 1979

We got the letter off to Neil and Ella. We all went to the Bazaar. It did rain all night. Beverly sold the dolls and two cradles. We had noodles for dinner. Erricka didn't like hers so I ate mine and hers. They were made by the Chinese friends where we went when Dewey Wilmer graduated. I made another afghan for the cradles. Finally we were home again. We were sleepy at six but did stay up to listen to Lawrence Welk. I'm making a dress for another doll. I'll have to wait until I can get another head before picking a doll for the dress. I figured out how to start the pattern Erricka is making her shawl like. We had a letter from Ella telling that Sharon lost her baby on the 14th.

Where is this and who is in the picture?

Where is this?

This is a sand stone stream bed - What do you see in this picture?

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