From Anna and Wilmer Murray's Journal
Tuesday, October 13, 1981
Cool but nice day. No frost and no rain. (Deward's 57th birthday if he had lived) I was reading in the Ensign this morning when the phone rang. It was Neil, he and Ella were ready to go to the Temple. He told us he was released, Sunday, October 11 from his Bishop assignment after 10 years and nine months. (9 years and nine months) He is now on the High Council and assigned to the Stake Farm. Dad ask him what they raised on the farm and he said milk, sour cherries and apples. Neither he nor Ella are too happy with the change. He has been a good Bishop and keeps close to his Heavenly Father.
It is too wet and muddy to do anything outside. We went for the mail, listened to the 12:00 o' clock news and were going to watch Big Money Movie but I remembered I had put ammonia in the oven so I could clean it. So Dad watched off and on and told me what was going on. Just before I finished the oven Ruth called to see if I wanted to go to the Institute class. We hadn't had dinner as Dad only wanted an apple and a glass of juice. I hurried to fix a little to eat and get ready. Sadie came just as we were ready to eat. So I grabbed a sandwich and we were on our way.
The class was good, especially the film on the Washington D.C. Temple. The subject was on early missionaries of the church in 1829 and 1830. Katherine Richens gave a report on Orson Hyde. When she told of the bag of gold given Orson when he was sent to dedicate the Holy Land, I ask if they wanted to know the name of the man who gave the money to Orson. I told them it was Joseph Ellison Beck Wilmer's great Grandfather. Then she told of the Blessing Orson ask for the man who gave the money. He blessed him that his posterity would not be rich but would never want and would never leave the church.
We were home by eight o'clock. Dad and I watched the show "Callie and his Son" and the news then off to bed.
Do you know any of these Men?
Do you know what this is? Extra points if you know where it is?
Where is this?
This is one horse power. Moab Utah
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