Thursday, May 5, 2011

April 23, 2011

Dear Family,

Here it is almost May and it is still quite cool. Do we forget or is this Spring similar to the one we had last year? As I listen to the Green House show on KSL it must be about the same. No matter what the weather was or is I see from your news articles life still goes on for you as it does for us.

For us there have been graduations, presentation and operations.

Our Sharon, about two weeks, ago had an operation on her thyroid. The operation, as operations go, went well and she is now on the mend for which we are grateful. Last Friday the 19th Jason graduated from the Police academy at the point of the mountain. I must admit, he looked sharp in his new uniform. We are now looking forward to Joshua completing his mission next month. It seems in many ways the time has really gone fast. We are also looking forward to the blessings of two grandsons. They are Alexander Murray, Neil J and April’s son and Benjamin Frampton, Brandon and Anna’s son. So Zion is growing.

Reed and Natalie were here today and Reed planted me a tomato plant. He said we are going to take a chance. He said just think if it makes it you will have tomatoes before anyone else. To which I said okay let see what happens.

I hope this letter finds everyone doing well

Love, Uncle Neil

Sharon, Charlene and Deward fawns July 4, 1960

June George Ella about 1944

Darrell’s pet Badger

From Anna and Wilmer Murray’s Journal April 18, 2011

Monday, April 7, 1980
Lester came for us at nine o clock. We went for Ruth and were soon on our way to Vernal. I was awake at 4:00 A.M. so I was sleepy but made it fine. We saw Uncle Wills’ family. Thora, Anna, Phillip, Ward and his wife and three of Thora’s Children. We saw Eva at the chapel after we went to the viewing. She looks good. Has lost a lot of weight. Didn’t see Lee.
Lester dropped us off here at home then went on. We tried to get him to stop at Vernal or Roosevelt to eat but he thought he had better go home so he could stay on his diet.
After dinner I went to survey again.

Tuesday, April, 980
Spent the day surveying, people are nice to me. I am finding a lot of strangers but also renewing friendships. Five hours today.

Wednesday April 9, 1980
Iri’s birthday, he would have been 80. I worked on census until time to go to the Doctor. Dad’s blood pressure is still too high. Dr. White gave him some pills to try and said to come back in a couple of weeks. I’m concerned about Dad, he is too tired. I surveyed until 6:15 then worked here at home from 8:30 to 10:30. Six and one half hours.

Uncle Tom, Aunt Han and Grandfather James B Murray

Larry, Perry, Aunt Margaret, Leslie, Lester and Kent Maxfield

Story Time

No Empty Yesterdays (Life in the 1930s)

This last Tuesday, April 19, 2011 while riding with Brian, Sharon and Marie to attend Jason’s graduation exercise where he and several others were certified as Police officers for the correction facility at the point of the mountain, Marie asked me if I had ever been to Marion’s in Roosevelt. It seems that one of her friends is an Eldridge who still have relatives in the Basin. This friend must have been telling her about some of their experiences in the Basin of which included visits to Marion’s. I told Marie that yes I was familiar with Marion’s and then I felt bad that, as a grandparent and on our many trips to the Basin, I had never taken her to Marion’s. It was then that Sharon told about her grandfather Murray taking her and Reed to Marion’s. As she told about her visit there I could remember Reed telling about, I guess, this same visit. At least it was his first time there. I guess at this time they must have ordered a malt. According to Reed they placed this large glass in front of him and filled it to the top from the stainless steel mixing container and set the container on the counter. Reed said he thought he did pretty good being able to drink all of the malt in the glass, then just as he was finishing, the person waiting on them took the stainless steel container and filled his glass up again. Of course grandfather was watching and I’m sure was observing the expressions on Reed’s and Sharon’s faces as their glasses were filled again. Sharon said Grandfather sure laughed. Me, knowing my dad can just hear him and yes see him.

This, of course, brought memory of me experiencing my first banana split. This event, however, did not involve Marion’s, I don’t think Marion’s even existed then but it did take place in Roosevelt at the Huish Drug Store. At that time the Huish Drug store also had a fountain where they sold sandwiches and ice cream treats. Now to set the stage I must tell you that money for our family and a lot of the other families in the Basin was not all that plentiful so looking back on the event LaVora and I, especially LaVora, realized that it was a sacrifice on our folks part to provide this special experience for their children. Myself I could not have been more that five or six years old and that would make LaVora eight or nine. Anyhow Mother and Dad took us two kids into the Huish Drug store and ordered each of us a banana split and left us there alone. Now the banana splits they built in those days were huge and of course had all the toppings and then some that one would see today. Now, I must say, to me, that dish of bananas, ice cream and all the other things placed on it must have looked like a “Kitchen Sink” like they serve at Trolly Square. As I recall LaVora finished her banana split and ended up finishing mine as well.
The rest of the story: LaVora felt that the reason mother and Dad did not stay with us was because they could only afford to buy a treat for their children. Therefore they waited in the car while allowing us to have this unforgettable experience. Interesting the sacrifice a parent will make for a child.
I’m glad that Dad and Mother in later years could provide this same experience for their grandchildren and afford to be present and share the experience.

A Typical Soda Fountain in the 30s This picture, in a way, resembles the interior of the Huish Drug Store. The main difference being that the Huish Store was smaller and I don’t ever remember the Huish being that busy.